Our recipes Brown sauces

One of the most well-known brown sauces in French cooking is the classic sauce espagnole, also known as Spanish sauce. This sauce is made by browning beef bones and vegetables in a pan, and then adding a mixture of flour, butter, and beef or veal stock. The sauce is then simmered for hours to develop a rich, complex flavor. It is commonly used as a base for other sauces, such as the famous sauce demi-glace.
Another popular brown sauce in French cuisine is the sauce Bordelaise. This sauce is made by browning beef marrow and onions in a pan, and then adding red wine, beef or veal stock, and a variety of herbs and spices. The sauce is then simmered until it is thick and rich. It is commonly served with steak or other meats, and is also used as a base for other sauces.
There are also many variations of brown sauces, such as the sauce Robert, which is made with white wine and mustard, and the sauce Dijon, which is made with Dijon mustard.
Black Truffle Coulis
Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick AsfauxCooking time :
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Mushroom coulis
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Pepper sauce
Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick AsfauxCooking time :
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Veal Stock
Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick AsfauxCooking time :
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