
Vegetables, edible plant-based foods that can be consumed raw or cooked, are employed in various ways in French recipes, whether as a main ingredient or as a side dish. Commonly used vegetables include carrots, tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, bell peppers, mushrooms, and spinach.
These vegetables are incorporated into soups, salads, gratins, tians, quiches, potages, pot-au-feu, ratatouilles, confits, purees, and tarts. They are often used to add color and flavor to a dish and can also replace animal proteins in vegetarian and vegan recipes.
In addition to their culinary contribution, vegetables are crucial for their nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vegetables are also low in calories, making them an excellent food source for those looking to maintain or lose weight.
In summary, vegetables are an indispensable element of French cuisine, bringing flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits to numerous recipes. Versatile and nutritious, vegetables are a healthy choice for everyone.
Aubergines (1)
Forgotten vegetables (3)
Green vegetables (22)
Mushrooms (1)
Potatoes (7)
Tomatos (3)