Andouillette de Troyes

The Andouillette and the town of Troyes have a common history which is lost in very remote times. Till the IXth century, one indeed intends to speak about famous Andouillette de Troyes. In 1560, the King's army, arrival to fight the Members of a league of the Duke of Guise, then Champagne governor, is surprised and beaten whereas its infantrymen dispersed in Troyes searching the famous Andouillettes. Louis XIV and Napoleon counted among many the fans of this delight of the Champagne soil.
The genuine Andouillette de Troyes is pure produced craft industry Troyen, worthy heir to the Masters porkbutchers of the past. It is made up exclusively of chaudins (large intestines) and stomachs of pig, rigorously selected and cut out in thin straps in the direction length. The seasoning based on fresh onions, salt and pepper, precedes the setting forms in a "dress" of natural bowels. The slow 5 hours cooking in a "court-bouillon" completes to give the Andouillette de Troyes its undeniable gustatory qualities. Choose the A.A.A.A.A. "Association Amicale des Amateurs d'Andouillettes Authentiques" and you will only have to level you!!!
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