AOC Pommard

Burgundy offers to the Epicureans numerous presents, magnificent landscapes and delicious gastronomic specialities but althougt, not far from Beaune, spendid red wines and one of the most famous by France, the A.O.C Pommard.
The village of Pommard is situated in full hillside, in the full environment of its very grouped vineyard.
The A.O.C. groups includes 337 hectare vineyard, 200 hectares in A.O.C. village and 137 hectares in First vintage wine.
Wines of Pommard arise from the red vine of Burgundy: Pinot Noir.
It is powerful, ruby, ample and obust wines of guard(guarding,nurse), that develop complex aromas.
It is advised to keep them at least five years before consuming them but will be still wonderfull numerous years if they are preserved in good conditions (until 20-25 years).
Bitter this long period, you will take advantage in best of this breuvage by serving it around 17°C in glasses from Burgundy (ballons de Bourgogne)...
Au Chateau 21190 NANTOUX
Notre domaine familial se situe dans les Hautes Côtes de Beaune.
Nous offrons aux visiteurs la dégustation d'une large gamme d'appellations comme Puligny-Montrachet, Beaune Coucherias 1° Cru, Monthelie 1° Cru, Hautes Côtes de Beaune blanc et rouge, Aligoté et Passetoutgrain.
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