Bayonne ham

If there is a product which by himself symbolizes this part of Aquitaine called the Basque Country, it is of course the famous Bayonne ham. Its history goes back to several centuries. It appears for the first time around 1120 on the gate of the Cathedral Sainte-Marie d'Oloron on a scene of the Wedding at Cana. Rabelais does of it one of the preferred mets of Grangousier (one of its heroes) and Henri IV never missed an occasion to make the "promotion" of the Gasconne gastronomy and Bayonne ham. This famous ham crossed the centuries until our days without losing in notoriety.
If the Bayonne ham is so famous, it is above all for its real gustatory qualities. It is prepared in the code of practice by craftsmen who take care to guarantee the quality of their production. In 1998, the Bayonne ham was classified on the European level in IGP: Geographical ascription Protected in order to certify to the consumer the source and the manufacturing process of a Ham a long time imitated, never equalized. You will be able to taste it in thousand ways: in section with the naturalness accompanied by glass of Ierouleguy, heat accompanied by scrambled eggs and a kind of ratatouille: true Piperade Basque, in Garbure, this soup of pig so reinvigorating in winter...
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