The beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world with approximately 20000 kinds of different beers. The vicinity of Belgium where the beer is a genuine national drink partly explains the existence of a production of beer in Picardy. Nevertheless this one is not recent and we can find trace of beer in area Picarde as of the XVIth century. A time in disuse the Picardy beer reappears of its ashes at the beginning of the XXème century with the rediscovery of beers with high fermentation.
The beer of Picardy produced in true artisanal breweries where love of work well done is on the same level the the promotion of the soil traditions. Produced starting from barley malted, hop and water, this beer of great quality makes the happiness of the fans. It is also used to cook delicious receipts such as Sauté of pig to beer of Picardy or Cock to the beer of Picardy.
credits photo : © Philippe Devanne - FOTOLIA
Au cœur de la région Nord Pas de Calais, le village d'Hordain abrite la brasserie artisanale La Choulette, dernière ferme brasserie d'Ostrevant.
Bières de garde de fermentation haute, telle est la tradition familiale chez les Dhaussy. Fière de son patrimoine brassicole, la famille Dhaussy vous invite à partager le savoir-faire des habitants de ce terroir.
Découvrez sur le site l'histoire des fermes brasseries qui , au XIXe siècle, a fait du Nord Pas de Calais l'une des premières régions brassicoles de France, mais aussi la gamme des bières de garde artisanales de La Choulette
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