Betise de Cambrai

Contrary to other specialities of our areas the Hard mint candy, called Bêtise de Cambrai is not a very old production. Its invention dates from the XIXth century and as its name indicates it extremely well, the Bêtise de Cambrai is the fruit of an error. The word Bêtise means mistake in french. A young apprentice confectioner working in the shop of his parents was dawning errors in the manufacture of the candies which had been required of him. His mother disputed him while reproaching him for making only Silly things...
The famous candies were put all the same on sale and against any waiting the customers regaled and made the fortune of the family of the young apprentice. The receipt was undoubtedly refined and the Betise de Cambrai is today a candy of cooked sugar beaten (stretched), finely scented with the Mitcham mint, to which one applies a caramel stripe to soften its taste. The Bêtise de Cambrai forms today part of the image of this pretty town of Nord-pas-de-calais and its fame exceeded our borders...
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