Brittany Oyster

Brittany is, because of its enclavement between the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean, an area closely related on the sea and the maritime or coastal activity. For this reason, it is one of the principal producing Oyster areas. The Brittany Oyster is a required speciality which you can taste in many restaurants in Brittany or elsewhere. The diversity of its productions and the quality of the work of its oyster culturists deserve that you are delayed there.
We distinguish thirteen vintages for Brittany Oyster. Let us quote among them, the Aven Belon oyster, with the slightly sweetened hazel nut taste; Quiberon, resulting from Bay from the same name, firm and charnue with the "dress" of a beautiful smooth and pearly glare; Cancale, at the same time flexible and firm, with a marked iodine perfume; or the Belon oyster, this Punt of Brittany whose world reputation is not any more to make and with the delicate flesh with the perfumes subtly wooded. Without being exhaustive, here is what, we hope for it, should give to the Oysters fans the desire for a little better discovering Brittany and its treasures.
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