
The birth of the Calvados, this brandy of cider, which become with the wire of the centuries the standard of Normandy, is lost with the wire of the regional history. The first mention of this nectar dates from the 1553, when Sieur de Gouberville, gentleman of Cotentin, writes a treaty on the distillation of cider brandies. The term Calvados was not yet used ot the moment. The Calvados department will give finally its name to this scented alcohol. It is indeed in this area that it was mainly manufactured and marketed. In 1942, Calvados became a Controlled Label of origin.
Its manufacture consists of the distillation of the cider fermented and aged in barrels of oak of which the interior was flaring (which gives him this so characteristic gilded color). Being patient is required to be able to taste a good "Calva". It is necessary to await 10 to 20 years. The years will gradually make lose with brandy all its aggressiveness while preserving its force.
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