If there is a wine which exceeds the simple statute of regional ambassador, it is the Champagne as this wine belongs to the most famous florets of the gastronomy and the French good manners throughout the world. The Champagne, which gave its name to this noble breuvage, has a story closely dependent to the French royalty, as from Clovis to Louis XIV, most of the kings de France were crowned in Rheims. This common history has quickly "annoblis" the wines of the area which was offered at the time of these sacrings.
The Champagne wines were at the beginning clear and light wines. They became effervescent only at the end of the XVIIth century and were very quickly the wines of the festivals of the whole world. The first delimitation in zone of Name takes place in 1908 and relates to 15 000 hectares. It is in 1927 that takes place the final delimitation, according to the wine history of the communes, the localities and the pieces. Surface of the zone east of 34 000 hectares. Produced today with a lot of attention by vine growers in love with their grounds, the Champagne is a fine wine which is drink during the meal as well as with a dessert. Take your dinner entirely with some Champagne, you will not regret it...
chemin des Meulières Arty 51480 VENTEUIL
Vignerons de Père en Fils à Venteuil depuis 1722. Récoltants-manipulants, nous élaborons nos champagnes à partir de nos propres raisins issus de nos vignes situées sur les côteaux de la rive droite de la vallée de la marne, berceau du champagne.
Créé en 1922, le champagne Janisson Baradon élabore 80 000 bouteilles sur son vignoble de 9 hectares. La famille Janisson est reconnue par la presse pour la qualité suivie de ses champagnes.
Vignerons indépendants en cave particuliére.Nous travaillons nos vignes,préssons et vinifions nos vins, commercialisons notre production.
Viticulteurs depuis sept générartions, implantés au coeur de la vallée de l'Ardre dans la Marne (51), nous travaillons dans le plus pure respect des traditions Champenoises, avec passion et inspiration.
Vous êtes producteur, vous pouvez facilement et gratuitement ajouter vos coordonnées ici et ainsi faire connaitre votre production à tous nos visiteurs.