Chicken from Bresse

It's impossible to evoke Burgundy and more particularly the Bresse, without evoking one of the products which make the charm of the tables of our campaigns. It is of course about famous chicken from Bresse. The chicken, high since highest antiquity was introduced in Europe and Gaulle with the liking of the successive invasions. Invaders having for practice to move with their livestock, those which conquered Burgundy brought there Iberian races which, to the wire of the centuries, gave the poultries that we know today such the Black one of Louhans, the Gray one of Borough-in-Bresse or the White one of Bény.
The chicken from Bresse sees its notoriety growing with the wire of the centuries. It is said that the famous "Boiled chicken" of Henri IV would hold his origin of a visit of the king in the area. This one, filled with enthusiasm by the savour of the poultries, made the wish that always its people can put "boiled chicken". Star of the first agricultural shows, this delicious poultry very quickly became one of the first products of France to be profited from an AOC since 1957. Today high in the respect of the tradition and according to a strict schedule of conditions, this poultry will enchant you by his firm flesh, its taste and its savour which make of it the king of the best tables of France.
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