Goose Foie gras

Known since thousands years ago - the Romans manufactured some - the Goose Foie gras makes its true great strides in Alsace at the XVIIIth century. A young cook named Jean-Pierre Clausse, then head of the Marshal of Contades, governor of Alsace, works out about 1780 a pie containing Goose Foie gras which made the happiness of the Marshal. Filled with enthusiasm by the work of its cook, he decides to send this works to the king Louis XVI. The court, quickly allured by this mets delicate, will quickly popularize it in all the kingdom. The town of Strasbourg becomes thus in little time the great center of the production of Goose Foie gras in France.
The Goose Foie gras, with fine and delicate savour, has the favours of the gourmets of the whole world. There are several names which depend all on the type of selected manufacture. The cooked Foie gras are three: whole Foie gras, Foie gras made up exclusively of pieces of lobes and Blocks of Foie gras containing reconstituted Foie gras and of a certain percentage of pieces. The Foie gras vintages are also three: Extra, First choice and All Coming. Be used your Foie gras as Goose at the beginning of meal, between 2 and 4° to appreciate all the smoothness of it and accompanied it by late grape harvest or liqueur-like wines such Jurançon. Excel with Tokay or Pinot Gris, it's also extremely good with the great vintages of Bordeaux like Saint-Estèphe wine or Saint-Emilion...
Goose foie gras terrine recipe
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