Lavender Honey

In France, the odor of the Lavender is inevitably associated the marvellous landscapes of Provence and the Lavender Honey which is made there is particularly appreciated by the experts. The area Provence Alpes Côte-d'Azur counts many bee-keepers who market their products in the respect of the tradition and the love of a well done work.
The Lavender Honey is an aromatic and delicate honey, of rather clear colour, starting from white ivory to the yellow. It's collected from August till September, during and just after the period of flowering. Liquid or creamy, it is tasted as well on a fresh slice of bread, as in accompaniment in tasty receipts such as Roast Figs with Honey Lavender Honey or the crusty of Foie gras to the Honey of Lavender... A pure wonder for the fans of sweetened or salted pleasures...
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