Mirabelle plum Brandy

The Mirabelle plum is a small fruit typical from Lorraine whose origins are lost in the mists of time. The tradition would like that Saint Nicolas itself made of it a gift for the inhabitants of this area. More surely, it is known that the Mirabelle plum is cultivated in Lorraine as of the XVth century and we can say that today, it makes integral part of the traditions and the Lorraine culture. Try to visit Metz in August and you will understand the importance which has this fruit with the eyes of Lorraine through the festivals of the Mirabelle plum. This plum, used to make delicious desserts, is also the principal ingredient of a Brandy of Mirabelle plum which makes the fame of Lorraine in France and beyond.
The production of Mirabelle plum brandy is today in full rise and distillings which manufacture it still nowadays use antiques stills coppers some which guarantee the savour and the perfume of this exquisite production. Particularly fruity brandy, it profits since 1995 from a Controlled Label of origin. Taste it in cocktails or digestive, or to scent succulent desserts. Do not forget that if we generally drink this brandy "struck", its perfumes will be the best if it is not too cold.
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