
The Poitevin Marsh from time immemorial produced excellent vegetables and Mojhette, generic term indicating several varieties of dwarf beans to shell, is undoubtedly its most known production. There are in fact two varieties: Mojhette of "Pont l'Abbé" cultivated between Marenne and Rochefort in the valley of Arnoult, in Charente-Maritime, and the "Rognon de l'Oise", cultivated in the wet marsh of Two-Sevres. The valley of Arnoult, old arm of the sea to exceptional sedimentation is the ideal soil for the culture of this delicious bean.
Famous for its market gardenings, this valley is regularly flooded in winter and maintains in various sheets and humuses the Marsh. Mojhette which is cultivated here is particularly appreciated for its gustatory qualities. It's quickly shelled, easily frozen and easy cooked. To appreciate it fully, we advise you to dissolve a knob of butter, to add to it thin slices of onion, two or three cloves of garlic, a carrot, a tomato cut into two before adding Mojhettes, a furnished bouquet, salt and pepper. Cooked the whole 15 to 20 minutes to soft fire, by stirring up time then cover largely with water and let cook one hour approximately. The only thing you'll have to do then, is to taste this delicious dish. Good appetite...
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