Oyster Marenne d'Oléron

The Oyster Marenne d'Oléron, also called "Queen of the French Coasts" in the Parisian restaurants is true delights for any seafood lover. Today known in the whole world, it is produced according to strict criteria's and respecting the principles of transmitted breedings from generation to generation by oyster culturists in love with their trades, true craftsmen of our coasts.
Initially, the Oyster punt or round was the only variety of the basin. The Portuguese, then the Japanese one, two Oysters dig gradually came to be added to the original variety. The laying takes place in summer and three to four years are necessary to the naissain (young oyster) to become a marketable product. 4 different appelations today are distinguished: the Fine de Claires which accomplishes a stay of several weeks out of basin is an small oyster with a sea savour quite marked, the Fine de Claire Label Rouge which remains 1 month out of basin with a maximum of 20 oysters per m2 with a normalized quantity of flesh and a round and cased form, the Spéciale de Claires which is preselected for its round and regular form and its thickness has a firmer flesh and a fine and balanced savour, finally the Pousse en Claire which is high in very low density (2 to 5 by m2)stay out of basin 4 to 8 months and shows a raised rate of flesh, a firmness crunching and a very marked iodized savour. The pleasure of tasting a dozen oysters Marenne d'Oléron is only equal to the quality of their production.
Route de Daire, BP 69 17560 BOURCEFRANC-LE-CHAPUS
philippe lagarre est ostréiculteur à marennes-oléron depuis 3 générations. Éleveur d'huîtres de père en fils, il a perpétué une méthode rigoureuse d'élevage grâce à un travail passionné, pour produire l'huître fine et l'huître spéciale lagarre.
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