Pelardon des Cevennes

The "Pelardon des Cevennes" is one of oldest goat's milk cheeses of Europe. It is manufactured since many centuries in the area of Languedoc, in the medium of the guarrigues and the Cevennes mountains. Herds of goats in great number but of relatively restricted sizes are high there in the open air. The varied food that we can find in this area made up of various grass species gives to the milk used in the manufacture of Pélardons a perfume and an real richness.
Of a weight of approximately 60 grams, this delicious cheese containing whole milk of goat must contain fat content 50% at least. In order to preserve its marrowy and its creamy taste, we advise you to preserve it under bell at the refregirator. For the drier cheese fans, you will be able to preserve it in cellar, with the free air in order to reveal all its character and its traditional taste. You will taste it then as the old ones at the end of the meal, accompanied by a red wine of the area, honey and fruits dry. Test Pelardon des Cevennes out of salad, heat, you will not regret it...
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