Saucisse de Morteau

The Franche-Comté is the traditional manufacture area of a delicious porkbutcher speciality : the Saucisse de Morteau. As of the XVIIIth century, the meat was smoked in the farms chimneys of the surroundings of Morteau, which could be thus preserved several months. From these conservation practices was born the Saucisse de Morteau. It is manufactured today only with comtois pig, which continue to be fatten traditionally and which is a guaranty of an incomparable quality.
Worked out starting of shoulder and fat of the pig back, it presents a coarsely chopped flesh, salted then "embossé" in natural bowels. Easily recognizable with its ring and with peg which closes it on a side, the Saucisse de Morteau is at least smoked 48 hours in the "Tuyé" (traditional chimney) and this exclusively with coniferous tree. Sausage with inimitable taste at the same time soft and clearly smoked, "Morteau" AOC will not leave any expert indifferent.
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