
Like all the areas of France, Alsace has its specialities and the Sauerkraut, in the world, is always associated its area of origin. Dish emblematic of the Alsatian kitchen, the Sauerkraut is a very old receipt that our contemporaries continue rightly to appreciate. The cabbages, basic element of the receipt, was already cultivated in China there is more than 4000 years. The sauerkraut is in fact the cabbages name once prepared but it very quickly became the name of the dish in itself.
The Sauerkraut is tasted today through several receipts. The purists will advise you Choucoute Garnie, of most traditional, and which makes the beautiful share with the regional pork-butchery with the Knuckle of ham, the Strasbourg sausages, the Pallet and other salted Chests of pig, others more adventurous will make you discover delicious Choucroute of the Sea where the pork-butchery makes place with the moulds, salmons, haddock and other shrimps... In all the case, the feast is guaranteed and the pleasure will be only larger if you sprinkle this delicious dish with a glass of Riesling or a local beer.
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