South-west Foie Gras

The origins of the Foie gras are lost in the mists of time. A fresco was found representing Egyptians cramming a goose, 2500 years before JC. A time forgotten following the decline of the Roman empire, the Foie gras reappears in XIVth century. One of the great revolutions of this period is the introduction of corn in Europe by Christophe Colomb who allows a better cramming of the animals. Throughout XVIth century, the know-how of the Jews of Central Europe and the farmers of South-west will start again the production of the Foie gras and will install it in the French gastronomy.
Made with goose or duck, the realization of a good Foie gras requires much time. The breeding is done in the open air and the cramming begins only at the time of the 12th week. The period of fattening lasts 2 weeks for ducks and 3 for geese. If the goose Foie gras considered soft and is refined, the duck Foie gras attracts the fans of true savours with the frankness from its taste. With the autumn, do not hesitate to visit one of the many "marches au gras" (Foie gras markets) of South-west where you will be able to learn from producers thousand and one ways of tasting their marvellous Foie gras.
Place de la Liberté - Bp 39 24201 SARLAT CEDEX
Vente de produits régionaux du Périgord et du Sud ouest, autour du foie gras, confit, et pâtés régionaux. Caviste du Sud Ouest 220 références. fabricant de paniers gourmands.
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