Vin Jaune

Seldom a wine was as much identified to an area that the "Vin Jaune" (literally yellow wine) and the Massif of the Jura. This wine of exception, to the mysterious development and the obscure beginnings, is diverting in more than one way. Regarded as one of the best white wines of the world by the most prestigious oenologists, the Vin Jaune is the fruit of a true mystery that the most eminent specialists did not manage to bore. If the first phases of making of this wine are the same as everywhere else, maturation is a quasi single phenomenon which gives to the Vin Jaune all its splendour.
Collected tardily, the type of vine savagnin grapes are initially treated according to the techniques of traditional wine making. Tapped, the wine is stored in barrels of oak of 228 liters having preferably already contained Vin Jaune, which are not completely filled so that can born and develop naturally on the top a yeast veil which should normally deteriorate the wine by the acetic puncture and to make it unsuitable to consumption. But, in the Jura and only there, specific yeasts will cause a very slow oxidation which will give to the wine the incomparable "taste of the yellow". The very long duration of maturation, 6 years and 3 months, the use of the clavelins, these typical bottles of 62 Cl of capacity, the single aromas of this wine make a permanent discovery of it.
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