Walnut oil

Known as of the Roman period, the walnut trees and the oil which is obtain from their nuts spread very quickly in Europe. In France it is primarily in Perigord that the field crops of walnut trees take place. Regarded a long time as the "fat content of poor", the nut oil until last century was used in food as well as for the oil lamps. It became used by all only since a few tens of years.
Collected in autumn then put to dry in barns on trays, safe from moisture, the nuts are then broken to extract green walnuts from them. 6kg of nuts will give the 2kg green walnuts necessary to the production of one liter Nut Oil. The paste obtained after crushing is put to heat delicately at a temperature of 50° to extract from it invaluable Nut Oil which will scent your salads in all seasons. Do not hesitate to add some green walnuts of nut and you will regale yourselves...
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