Chocolate and hazelnut brownies


Chocolate and hazelnut brownies

this is a delicious treat for my kids they loved it escpecially my baby girl latini {la-tee-ni}


Chocolate and hazelnut brownies

wow...this is such a cooooool browniee..i love it...bit i put a little nutella over it which makes the brownie better



that sounds really good and i should try that sometime


Chocolate and hazelnut brownies

Sounds Good, but it might be a bit difficult to prepare.
The picture's good too.


Answer to BernayG

Dear BernayG
No difficulty and no risk to prepare it badly. The only real care you need to take (in addition to stick to the proportions of the ingredients)is to (i) control the right cooking point of the brownie : 30 minutes is the standard timing given the 325°F temperature but it is advisable to control it, before taking it off the oven) using a clean dry blade of a knife you insert into the brownie : the blade must come out dry and (ii) to wait a little bit the brownie to cool down before cutting it into squares


Chocolate and hazelnut brownies

For some reason they didn't turn out cake like. it was more along the line as they wouldn't cook. What did I do wrong? I'm pretty sure I followed the directions to the tee. I thought it was funny to have way more sugar then flour also. Can someone please help.


Answer to chrystal

Not possible to answer you without seeing you preparing the cakes or without a precise detailed list of all your preparations (list and quantities of ingredients, time in the oven and temperature, etc...
Saying that "they did not turn out cake like" could you detail how they turned out (too liquid ? too solid ? too dry ?)


Answer to chrystal

Not possible to answer you without seeing you preparing the cakes or without a precise detailed list of all your preparations (list and quantities of ingredients, time in the oven and temperature, etc...
Saying that "they did not turn out cake like" could you detail how they turned out (too liquid ? too solid ? too dry ?)

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