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About AFTouch-cuisine
With, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation
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Comment on recipe :
I have made the cassoulet with pan fried duck, pork and lamb pieces however instead of pork sausages I have substituted with sliced fried merguez sausages. Absolument fantastique!
Cassoulet and merguez
Hello Hans
Are you Dutch ? Thanks for your kind comments and for having found time and energy for preparing a cassoulet. Cassoulet is from a part of France which was under the Arabic invasions during the Middle Ages but I am not aware that they had brough some food specialties like merguez !... (we can find dishes which are obviously Arabic style specialties in the southwest of France, like the "croustade gasconne" but they were brough back home by the French crusaders from the middle east). I am kidding a little bit ... Happy new year to you
Thank you Mr. Dubarry for your reaction to my "variation on the cassoulet". I would like to add, that here in Brisbane, Australia I make a cassoulet once during our winter (June-Sept)for a large number of friends and family. I like to present the cassoulet with a side dish of a mixed salad with lemon/honey dressing and topped with fried pieces of the duck's skin (slightly salted). I accompany this rather rich dish with a great Australian Chardonnay ("Devils Lair" from Western Australia). Although I live and work already for 27 years in Australia, my favorite food is and will always be French. That is what I love to cook. To answer your initial question "Oui, je suis un Hollandais/Australien". Bonne Annee et a votre Sante!
Thanks Hans
Hello Hans
Many many thanks for your feedback and for sharing your experience with us : we all are very proud when we hear that some (especially so far from France) appreciate French cooking and also when some (like you) develop personal variations from our traditional recipes and share it with us
Can somebody tell me where to buy merguez at the Gold Coast. I live in Palm Beach 4221. Merci
Hi Daniel
More seriously, I leave in the Paris area and I do not know any addresses in Palm Beach.
I do hope you do not intent to use merguez for your cassoulet !
Good luck
Re: Cassoulet
If you are looking for the best merguez around check out the delis stall on various Brisbane markets or online.
I was fortunate to have had this Cassoulet at A Souceyrac. It was wonderful, and this is now the recipe I use at home. M. Asfaux was a most gracious host, and particularly attentive to helping our 10 year old daughter negotiate a menu in French I always think of fondly. A true gentlemen.