
Normandy, conquered by the Francs in VIth century owes its name with the invasions Normans which devastated the Kingdom in the IXth century. The birth of the duchy of Normandy, given to Rollon into 911 at the time of the treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, puts a term at these invasions. The many benedictins abbeys, windows of regional tourism, with in particular their jewel, the Mount-Saint-Michel, make this splendid area a high place of hexagonal tourism. This common history makes of the two Normans areas more than sisters.
Famous through its history, Basse-Normandie is also known by its specialities which make the richness of a soil discover during a trip as well as in the plate. The Camembert cheese is certainly, with the Calvados, the floret of the regional production, but with the Pont-l'Evêque or Livarot, the Norman cheeses make of this corner of France a true refuge for fans. The cream cookery gives to Norman's escalopes a great marrowy. The Andouille de Vire wonderfull pays homage to the traditions porkbutchers of the area. The apples, another regional symbol, were used by our grandmothers to carry out splendid tarts and other delights sweetened. Lastly, Normandy would not be what it is if we do not evoke the cider here, regional drink which, with poiré makes say to old: "Here cider is drunk as others drink wine".