
Languedoc-Roussillon, at the border of Spain, was as of the 5th century the ground of adoption of the Visigoths. A long time fragmented and under various influences - Arabic, Catalan or French during the Middle Ages - it is only in 1659, by the Treaty of the Pyrenees, that the whole of the area was attached to the kingdom of France. Cathares were established to with it durably and we can admire there, still today, the architectural remainders of their citadels. At the time of a stay in the area, do not fail to stop in Montpellier, old city superb and modern at the same time. Also take the time to visit Aigues-Mortes which was built under the orders of Saint-Louis... Located at the heart of the Small Camargue, not far from Grau-du-Roi and the Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer, this fabulous city symbolizes the wearing of French departure of the Crusades...
If the Area is rich from its history, it is it also by its soil. The wild boar of the Cevennes deserves its reputation and the hares, young rabbits and young pigeons raised with juniper are tasty. The asparagus of Languedoc joined in the regional prize list small pies of Pezenas, the aligot, mashed potatoes with fresh tomme raised with garlic, and the Pelardon, goat's milk cheese scented to grasses of Causses... In Castelnaudary, you will regale yourselves of unforgettable Cassoulet, carefully cooked. While going down towards the Mediterranean, you will taste a dozen delicious oysters of the pond of Thau. And you would of course not have made the turn of this superb area without refresh yourself at the time of a tasting in the cellars of Minervois, of Corbieres or in a producer of Frontignan Muscatel...