
The Nord-Pas de Calais, so close from Belgium which the Flemish influence is visible in architecture, is an area to discover urgently, which in spite of a sometimes hard history, will be able to accomodate you with open arms. The closed Belgium, England so close that by good weather its coast are seen from our country, make this area a new crossroads of Europe. The Spoil heaps and the Belfries form integral part of this corner of France, and everywhere you will go, you will discover the heat of its inhabitants, the richness of its history and its specialities.
If there is one product we cannot forget, it is certainly the Beer which, from Saint-Omer to Lille, is found within many artisanal breweries. Accompany it by Waterzoï or mussels, then finish by a share of Vieux Lille, cheese with the marked odor by which softness will astonish most refractory, and you will have a brief but pleasant outline of what this area holds for you. As regards cheeses, let us not forget the Maroilles which also uses the composition of delicious receipts that you will taste on the table of the many restaurants of the Lilloise area. The fans of spices will have to visit Arleux, known for its Smoked Garlic with astonishing savour. The pork-butchery is not remains about it in this area where the good tables are numerous and in Cambrai, you will regale yourselves of an Andouillette finely roasted, prepared by one of the Masters Porkbutchers of the old city. Do not leave Cambrai without carry a few grams of these delicious candies which are the Betises de Cambrai (Hard mint candies). But you do not stop in a so good way and at the time of an estival stay in Touquet, you will appreciate as us them many fishing ports of the Coast of Opal where the stalls abound in fish of all kinds and an incomparable freshness.