Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The area Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, between the Mediterranean and the mountains of the Alps, is a rich area with a prestigious past. If the Ligurians were the first occupants to have left some traces, the phocéens them, marked the coast of their print while settling in Marseilles and by melting the towns of Antipolis and Nikaïa which will become much later Nice and Antibes. Convergence and land of welcome, formidable mixing of the populations of the Mediterranean basin, the area has a plural identity which makes today a good part of its charm. Along with this melting pot, area PACA offers to the visitors its splendid landscapes, between creeks, throats, natural reserves and tops culminating with more than 3000 meters on the Italian border. The olive-trees, orchards and other vines also contribute to the multiple attractions of these landscapes.
If the history and the beauty of these regions make the fame of this area, the products of the soil and the local gastronomy are also worth that one stops there. The lavender, emblematic plants, gives perfumes appreciated all around the world but also a Lavender Honey to the astonishing savour. The olive, another "standard" cherished of the provençaux, from which is produced Oil, uses the composition of many provencal recipes. The grasses of Provence are present in all the kitchens of France and besides. Also let us quote melons from Cavaillon, the Apt candied fruits, Arles Sausage, the famous Calissons d'Aix, the asparagus of Mormoiron, the cheeses of Queyras, the vineyards of the Riviera or the Pastis, without which the terraces of Provence would not be what they are.