Results of the 6th Genuine “Pâté of Chartres” Contest

The board of examiners, chaired by Patrick Asfaux, star Michelin Chef, has rewarded Mr Coeurjoly, pork butcher at Dreux (Normandy/Paris area limit) as the winner.
Find enclosed a few pictures shot by Mr and Mrs Thiel, 2 loyal visitors of our Aftouch-cuisine web site who had made the trip to Chartres in order to meet with Chef Patrick.
Chef Patrick had then invited both of them to participate to the tasting and to the quotation of the “pâtés”.
According to Mrs Thiel, it was an unforgettable day.
Thanks to them for their nice pictures
Contact details of the winner :
Mr Coeurjoly
“Au cochon de saint Antoine”
7, rue Chartraine
F – 28100 Dreux
+33 2 37 50 06 80

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