Batter for Fritters
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
- 250g (1/2 lb) strong flour, sifted.
- 5g (1/5 oz) table salt.
- 25 cl beer.
- 2 whole eggs.
- 30g (1 1/5 oz) melted butter.
- 3 egg whites.

1) In a large bowl, place the sifted flour. Make a well, then pour the salt, the beaten eggs, the melted butter and the beer in its centre and stir in the flour, little by little with a wooden spoon.
2) Whisk the egg whites into a stiff foam. Carefully add them to the batter as you would do to make a soufflé mix.
3) Cover your bowl with a clean kitchen cloth and let the batter rest for an hour before using it.
Now, let your imagination make the rest. Coat some bananas, apples, grapes for the sweet one. Prawns or shrimps, etc for the savoury ones.