Bouillabaisse Soup
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
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Bouillabaisse soup recipe for 6 people :
- 2.5kg of mixed fish such as gurnard, mullet, conger eel, monkfish, Pollock, velvet crab ; gutted, scaled and washed.
- 1 large onion
- 600g potatoes
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 5 tomatoes
- 1 stalk of fennel
- 1 "bouquet garni" see : bouquet garni
- 5cl olive oil
- some pulverised saffron
- salt and cayenne pepper

Place the fish on the vegetables and add 2.5 litres of hot water. Season well with cayenne pepper, saffron and a bit of salt. Allow to cook on a high heat for 18 minutes.
Meanwhile, get 6 soup plates ready with a thick slice of country house bread at the bottom of each plates.
Get rid of the "bouquet garni", take the fish out of the soup and place them on a serving dish along with half of the potatoes around them.
Then, blitz the soup part of the dish with a immersion blender and check the seasoning. Finally, pour some soup into each plates.
Set the rest of the soup into a soup bowl and place the fish and soup bowl at the centre of the table, serve everybody with its plate of soup and accompany the lot with a nice bottle of Bandol rose... here you are, on the French riviera!