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Caramel sauce

From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux

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Here, you will find my advices and tips to make your caramel sauce a "reussite" every time.

there is what you need to make a caramel sauce:

  1. 300g caster sugar
  2. 1 lemon juice
  3. 10 table spoons of water
Caramel sauce
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1) The first tip is to make sure that you use a pot with a thick bottom to make your caramel. So, in that pot mix your sugar with six table spoons of water, with a wooden spoon making sure not to splash any sugar onto the sides of your pot.
2) Add the lemon juice and place your pot on the heat.
3) When, the sugar has started to boil do not stir it at all. When, the sugar starts to take a slight brown colour, start giving a rotating motion to your pot to even the colour of your caramel.
4) When the sugar has reach the golden, brown colour of a caramel, carefully add a couple of table spoons of water and stir your caramel with your wooden spoon. Repeat this last step a second time and quickly transfer your caramel sauce into a different container (avoid plastic).
5) At this point, your caramel must be quite thin. Let it cool down and preserve it into a glass jar tightly closed in the fridge until needed.

About AFTouch-cuisine

With aftouch-cuisine.com, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation

The team

Couet ivan
Webmaster, developpeur and designer. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
French staring chef, sharing his recipes and his passion for cooking. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry Stéphane
Dubarry stéphane


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