Cod Quebecoise style
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
Filet of cod "a la Quebecoise" recipe for 6 people
- 2 cod filets of about 500g each
- 200g button mushrooms
- 2 shallots, finely chopped
- 30g fresh parsley, finely chopped
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed and chopped
- 200g of bread, soak in 10cl of milk
- 200g of minced pork
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 lit fish stock
- 5cl dry white wine
- 20cl double cream
- 1 lemon juice
- salt and freshly ground pepper

2) Mince your mushrooms and bind them along with the shallots, parsley, garlic, the bread and eggs into the mince pork meat. Season well and set aside in the fridge for at least 1/2h.
3) Start your oven at 200C/ 392F.
4)Season your cod filets with some salt and pepper.
5)Place one of the cod filet skin facing down on a clean chopping board. Spread well the pork stuffing on all its surface, then place the second cod filet on the top of it. Tie the lot with some roasting string has you would do for a roast.
6) Place your cod filets in a deep roasting tray along with the piping hot fish stock and the white wine.
7) Bake for 40 minutes, carefuly roll your roast up side down, half way through the cooking process.
8) Delicately take your roast out of the tray and place it on a clean tray.
9) Pour the cooking liquid into a pot. Bring it to the boil, then add the lemon juice and the cream, allow to reduce to a creamy consistency.
10) Remove the string off your roast and slice it.
Place your slices of roast cod onto a tray and coat them with the sauce.
Serve with some pilau rice or pumpkin mash in which you will have added some small dices of smoked pork belly to the side.