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Coffee coated Chicken Breast

From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux

Prepare time :
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Coffee coated Chicken breast for 4 persons :

  1. 4 raw farm boneless chicken breasts
  2. 1 liter chicken stock (2 pints)
  3. 300 grams (10 oz) fresh chervil root
  4. 30 grams (1 oz) roasted and crusshed hazelnuts
  5. 2 soupspoonfuls liquid honey
  6. 2 soupspoonfulls roasted and crushed Arabica coffee beans
  7. 10 grams salted butter
Coffee coated Chicken Breast
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1/put the chicken breasts in a casserole and cover with coldchicken stock. Make it boiling during 8 minutes ans keep skimming the frost, strain them and keep them aside in a dissh that can bear heat in the oven
2/peel the chervil roots, cut them in big dice, put them in a deep pan, vcover with chicken stock and cook slowly during 20 minues
3/preheat the oven (392°F)
4/in a large bowl, blend honey, roasted and crushed coffee and cover (with a spoon the chicken breast on the round side, cook in the oven until browned and cover with the melted honey from time to time. When done, pour a large water spoonfull in the pan and stir the bottom of it
5/strain the roots and mix/blend them with the butter, season well and blend with the hazelnuts using a spatula

Cut each breast into 4 thick slices, put on a plate with the chervil root purée on one side, topped with some hazelnuts and put some suace around
The combination of the taste of roasted coffee end the sweetness of the root make this recipe an original one.
Keep the remaining stock for cooking spaguetti
credits photo : © kuvona

Last comments about the recipe Coffee coated Chicken Breast

Steve (invité)  2015-12-17

Comment on recipe : www.aftouch-cuisine.com/recipe/coffee-coated-chicken-breast-855.htm Can you replace the chervil with potatoes?

About AFTouch-cuisine

With aftouch-cuisine.com, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation

The team

Couet ivan
Webmaster, developpeur and designer. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
French staring chef, sharing his recipes and his passion for cooking. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry Stéphane
Dubarry stéphane


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