Endives with Roquefort cheese and walnuts
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
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Endive with Roquefort and walnuts recipe for 6 people:
- 200g Roquefort cheese
- 200g butter
- 4 small endives
- 6 whole walnuts
- salt, pepper

1) Make sure to take your butter out of the fridge a good while before making this recipe as it has to be soft.
2)Place the butter, Roquefort cheese in a blender. Season well and mix for 10 seconds, then set aside.
3) Pick the leaves off your endives and place them on a nice serving dish. Put your blue cheese mixture into a pipping bag and fill your leaves up.
Then place piece of walnut on the top of the butter.
A must is to serve a chilled glass of Sauternes or Jurancon wine with your stuffed endives leaves. Sauternes is a classic accompaniment of Roquefort cheese.
Tip: The smaller the endives that you use the better the final result.