From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
Flan recipe for 6 people:
- 500g short crust pastry
- 90g plain flour
- 220g caster sugar
- 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
- 6 whole eggs
- 80cl milk
- 20g melted butter
- 1 pinch of salt

2) Roll down your dough, prick it with a fork and line a tart mold with it. set aside in the fridge.
3) In a bowl, place the flour and the sugars (caster and vanilla). Add the beaten eggs with the salt, the melted butter, mix well. When this is done, whisk in the cold milk. Make sure that they are no lumps.
4) Fill up the mold lined with the dough, with the egg-milk mixture. Bake for 30 minutes.
If you notice that your flan is starting to burn, cover it with some tin foil.
Last comments about the recipe Flan
Dubarry 2010-07-26
Hello, You will find the recipe of the flan in the English language part of this site and you will find tghat we recommand to use a short crust pastry for the dough (recipe in the site as well) Bon appétit
jet\'aimeparis (invité) 2010-07-07
It would be nice to have a recipe for the dough to use, as I do not know what dough I should use for making this flan, thanks!
Dubarry 2009-10-09
Hi Lois You are right : the measure of butter to be used is unclear : use 20 grams (2/3 oz). I will correct in the translation (thanks to you)