Greek style mushrooms
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
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Greek style mushrooms for 8 persons :
- 1.2 kilgram (2.6 lb) white and not too big button mushrooms
- 200 grams (nearly 1/2 lb) small young peeled onions or one big onion peeled and thinely chopped
- 1/10 liter (3.3 fl oz) olive oil
- 1.5/10 liter (5 fl oz) dry white wine
- 2 lemon juices
- a few parsley stalks + thyme + 1 bayleaf all wrapped together with a thin string ("bouquet garni" in French)
- table salt
- 12 white pepper seeds + 12 coriander seeds

2/Prepare your "bouquet garni" (see above in the list of ingredients)
3/Heat a high hedge frying pan with the olive oil, then add the onions and let them steam (do not let them be coloured) during 5 to 6 minutes while stirring with a wooden spatula
4/Add the mushrooms, the lemon juice, the wine, the seeds, the pepper, the "bouquet garni" and salt (according to your taste)
5/Let the whole boiling during 8 minutes under high heat (10 minutes in the original recipe) while stirring from time to time with your spatula
Do not forget to get rid of the "bouquet garni" when cooked, pour the mushrooms into a sald bowl and when they have cooled down, keep into the fridge during one full night.
Here you have the original vintage recipe. Howver, I personally like them with 1 spoonful of tomatoe coulis and a sprinkle of semi-hot red pepper on top but hush, this is just between you and me in the deep of your ears and for not offensing Escoffier (note of the translator : Auguste Escoffier was a famous cook, leader of the French cuisine in the beginning of the XXth century) ...