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Ham and Cheese filled crepes

From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux

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I have to admit that when I see the success of processed ham and cheese crepes that our kids love, we thought: why not make them ourselves?

There is a very simple and quick recipe for ham and cheese filled crepes.

Recipe for 20 crepes :

  1. 20 crepes
  2. 3 egg yolks
  3. 200g grated emmental cheese
  4. 450g cooked ham, diced
  5. butter
  6. vegetable oil
Ham and Cheese filled crepes
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1) Bring your Bechamel sauce to the boil. Take it off the heat and quickly stir in the egg yolks and the grated cheese. Set aside.
2) Place your crepes onto a clean surface. Put a tablespoon of sauce at the centre along with few dices of ham. Finish with another spoon of cheese sauce.
Next, fold the top and bottom part of your pancakes towards the middle of them. Finally, bring the right and left sides to the centre to finish closing your pancakes.
3) Heat up some oil and butter into a pan and cook your filled crepes until golden brown on each sides. Note that you can put them in the micro-wave or in the oven too.

What makes this recipe interesting is that you can wrap your filled crepes individually and freeze them for later use.
credits photo : © DLeonis - Fotolia.com

About AFTouch-cuisine

With aftouch-cuisine.com, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation

The team

Couet ivan
Webmaster, developpeur and designer. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
French staring chef, sharing his recipes and his passion for cooking. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry Stéphane
Dubarry stéphane


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