Lawyers crayfish
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
Lawyers crayfish Recipe for 4 :
- 4 ripe avocadoes
- 120g cooked fresh water crayfish
- 1/2 red pepper
- some chives or chervil
- For the cocktail sauce :
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
- salt and pepper
- 5 cl (2 fl oz) rapeseed oil
- 1 tea spoon tomato paste
- 1 dash of brandy

-2- Cut the avocadoes in half. Take the stones out.
-3- Put 16 crayfish tails to the side to garnish the avocadoes at the end. Brush them with some olive oil to give them a nice gloss.
-4- Mix well the rest of the crayfish with the your cocktail sauce. Evenly, fill up the avocadoes.
Place a couple of lashings of red pepper on the top of each avocadoes, then two tails of crayfish and finish with a couple of sprigs of chives or few leaves of chervil.
It is a delicious idea, for a summery starter.
Tip: Cut a small base on each side of the avocadoes before cutting them in half. This way they will stand steadily on your plates.