Milk Toffee
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
To know all about jam I invite you to read our article :confitures
Ingredients for milk toffee :
- 2 litre whole milk (raw milk! Even better!)
- 1kg granulated sugar
- 2 vanilla pods, halved and grated (*)

2) It will take 2h of cooking to realize this milk toffee. You will have to stir the mixture every 5 minutes for the whole length of the cooking process.
After a while, you will notice that the liquid will gradually change texture(thicken)and colour(browning).The liquid will reduce by half by the end of the cooking process.
3) As soon as the mixture has reach the texture of liquid honey, pour the boiling liquid into your jars. Close them tightly and place them up side down until they have fully cooled down.
I really think that nothing is more comforting than a couple of slices of toasted brioche, spread with some milk toffee and a cup of hot chocolate on a grim, cold winter day...
* Nowadays, vanilla pods are quite expensive, so you can replace them by a couple of packets of vanilla sugar.
Last comments about the recipe Milk Toffee
lily (invité) 2011-05-12
Comment on recipe : cool!