Pork filet, honey and vanilla flavoured
Cooking time :
Total time :
Repos : 24 heures
- his recipe has been offered exclusively to Aftouch-Cuisine by the great chef Guy Legay who started its carrier in 1966.
- He was the chef at Ledoyen during 14 years, then at the Ritz (Paris) during 19 ans. He half retired in 2000. He trained more than 100 chefs (most of them famous cooks), including numerous multiple Michelin star chefs in France and abroad like Émile Jung, Manuel Martinez, Philippe Legendre, Christian le Squer, Gualtiero Marchesi, Christian Constant, Michel Roth…
- We are so extremely proud to share with you this exclusive recipe
- Ingredients
- For 4 persons
- 1 nice pork filet (1.5 lb)
- 12 black pepper seeds
- 16 coriander seeds
- 8 juniper seeds
- 1/4 vanilla pod, grated or blended
- 10 grams (1/3 oz) table “flower” salt
- 1 knob of butter
- 30 grams (1 oz) breadcrumbs made with gingerbread (without the crust and dried in the oven, mixed together with 2 large soup spoonfuls of liquid honey

The day before the meal :
1) Take off the filet all not eatable parts
2) Crush together (with the bottom of a heavy pan) the seeds of black pepper, coriander and juniper, then add the vanilla
3) Lay the pork filet onto some cling film, and display on all its faces the crushed spices. Close the film and put it into the fridge for 12 to 24 hours so that the spices flavour the meat
The day of the meal :
1) Pre-heat the oven at 410°F
2) Remove the film cling from the pork filet and salt it
3) Pour butter into a pot/casserole dish and gently roast the meat
4) Put the pot (covered with a lid) into the oven during 26 minutes.
5) Remove the lid and brush the meat with the gingerbread crumbs/honey mixture and put the pot under the grill for 7 minutes until light brown
6) Take the pot out of the oven, cover with the lid and keep it aside during 15 minutes (some juice will come out of the meat).
7) Slice the filet (1/5 inch thick slices2cm) and put them onto a nice round dish, with a little of juice.
You can serve it with mashed potatoes (purée) or pasta or braised cabbage