Ratatouille small toasts at the 'Nice' style
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
- a few potatoes from the previous lunch, a little cold ratatouille (recipe on this site) and you have got your dinner for 4 persons, with, as an example, a nice well seasonned green salad.

2/Put on each toast ('croûton') a small (flat) piece of parmesan cheese, then a small spoonful of cold ratatouille and then a few capers
3/Switch on the oven on the grill position, tell your guests to sit down aound the table and when the grill is well hot (2-3 minutes), introduce the dish into it during 4-5 minutes until the ratatouille is grilled and serve on the table with a wood stick in each croûton.
This is a only a simple suggestion but you can imagine others ... If you take a picture of your dish, please forwart it to us so that we can post it with the recipe.