Roast Leg of Spring Lamb
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
- leg of mutton, leg of lamb, leg of lamb "de pre-sale" (which are grazed on the sea shores of Normadie and other shores of France) and leg of milk-fed lamb.
- Lamb meat is at its best around Easter because when summer comes and they are sheared the meat taste a bit stronger.
- Roast leg of spring lamb for 6-8 people :
- A leg of spring lamb of 2kg, bone in
- 100g salted butter
- 1 pinch of fresh thyme
- 3 clove garlic, cored and sliced
- salt freshly ground pepper

2) Soften your butter and incorporate the thyme and pepper with a whisk.
3) Coat your leg of lamb with this butter and insert slivers of garlic with the tip of office knife in the part of the meat along the bone.
4) Place your leg of lamb on a roasting tray and roast it for 40 minute (or 20 minutes per kilos)
5) While your leg of lamb is cooking thoroughly baste it from time to time.
6) When your roast is done, take your tray on your table and lift your leg of lamb on a up side down plate (leave it in the roasting tray though). Then, pour 15 cl of water into the tray.
7) Cover the lot with some tin foil and let it rest for 15 minutes.
8) Then, carve your leg of lamb. Meanwhile heat up the cooking juice in the tray. Place your thin slices of meat on a serving tray and strain the cooking juice in a sauce boat.
There are several garnishments that you can serve with your leg of lamb : green vegetables, sauté potatoes, beans, "flageolet" beans, sauté Jerusalem artichokes or pan fried chanterelles etc.
There is the technique to carve your leg of lamb :
Take your leg by the bone. Lift it slightly and with your right hand and a very sharp knife start carving down wards and parallel to the bone until your reach the bone. Then, turn your leg of lamb and keep on going in the same way until all the meat has been carved all around.
In this way you will achieve some nice, thin regular slices of roast leg of lamb.