Strawberry Pie
From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux
Cooking time :
Total time :
Strawberry pie for 6 to 8 persons :
- 1.1 lb shortbread pastry (recipe on this web site)
- 1.7 lb tasty and fruity strawberries
- 1.1 lb cold confectioner's custard
- (recipe of this web site)
- 6.7 fl oz liquid cream
- 2/3 oz icing sugar (1 tablespoonful)
- 5 small green cardamom capsules (crushed with the bottom of a sauce pan)
- 2.6 oz redcurrant jelly
- juice of a half lemon
- 1 oz caster sugar

1/Lay down the raw pastry on your work plan, then put it into your pie mould, prickle it with a fork and put it into the fridge during 1 hour.
2/Quickly rinse the strawberries and get rid of the stalks AFTER you have rinsed the strawberries (otherwise the water would go into the pulp), then dry the strawberries with care, put them on a flat large dish, sprinckle the caster sugar and pour the lemon juice on them and keep into the fridge.
3/Pre-heat the oven at 356°F.
4/Pour the liquid cream into a salad bowl and keep it into the DEEP-FREEZER during 5 minutes.
5/Boil the redcurrant jelly into a saucepan, then add the crushed cardamom capsules. Put the sauce pan aside off the heat and cover it with a lid (for infusion).
6/Take the pie mould off the fridge, put dry beans or tiny stone balls (marbles) on the pastry and cook the pastry into the oven during 20 minutes.
7/Pour the cold confectioner's custard into a salad bowl, whip it to make it softer (you can add the juice rendered by the strawberries in their flat dish)
8/Take the liquid cream with its bowl off the frezze and whip it to make a steady Chantilly and add the icing sugar nearly when you finish the Chantilly.
9/Pour the Chantilly on top of the custard and blend them gently with a wooden spatula by lifting the custard through the Chantilly so that you get a lighter custard, and keep it into the fridge.
10/Take the pie off the oven, get rid of the beans/balls and let it cool down on a flat dish.
Finishing :
1/Pour the cream/custard into the pie with care, from the center to the hedges
2/Flower-shape it with strawberries (with care) from starting by the hedges and making circles to the center of the pie (you can cut the strawberry in thick slices : see the picture)
3/Strain the redcurrant jelly (to get rid of the cardamom) and brush it gently onto the strawberries.
4/You may put a few fresh mint leaves on top of the pie and/or crush a biscuit/rusk (as a powder) on it.
You have done a marvellous dessert.
When you cut the pie to make portions, use a special knife for bread !