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Tomato Soup

From the one star french chef Patrick Asfaux

Prepare time :
Cooking time :
Total time :
Provence type tomato soup for 6 persons
  1. 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) well ripe tomatoes
  2. 1 big onion
  3. 2 peeled, degermed, crushed and sliced garlic cloves
  4. 1/2 bay leaf
  5. 7 or 8 fresh basil leaves (or 1 pinch of dry basil)
  6. 1 pinch of thyme
  7. 1 coffeaspoonful caster sugar
  8. Table salt and semi hot red pepper powder
  9. 2 soupspoonfuls olive oil
Tomato Soup
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Gently stew (covered) thinly sliced onion and garlic into olive oil during 2 minutes
Add the tomatoes cut into slices, add basil, thyme, sugar, salt, bay leaf, red pepper and 1 liter (approx 2 pints) water.
Keep boiling during 15 minutes, then get rid of the bay leaf, blend everything and sieve very thinly.
At the last minute, add a dash of olive oil
You can serve this soup either cold or hot
credits photo : © BillionPhotos.com

About AFTouch-cuisine

With aftouch-cuisine.com, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation

The team

Couet ivan
Webmaster, developpeur and designer. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
French staring chef, sharing his recipes and his passion for cooking. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry Stéphane
Dubarry stéphane


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